Tuesday, 19 March 2013

It's a montage!!! add music of your choice....

Hiya,blog at last! We've really busy, going all over the place, also spending a lot of time at home while Alex (and everyone else!) plays Minecraft, but here are a few things we've done inbetween building cobblestone fortesses and being blown up by creepers -

There's been a bit of art:

Some karoke:

Some baking:

(Amelia disappeared off and I found her with the bag of sugar in the bathroom....)

 Some sight-seeing : St. Pancreas Hotel

Russell Square gardens (A statue of the Duke of Bedford)

The British Museum!!

Real Gold!!!

Lots and lots of Egyptian statues and carvings.....

American totem poles (I loved them!)

Easter Island statue...

I can't remember what this is but I love it!

Reading a braile book....

This was the only thing Alex found interesting in the whole museum -

The walk back to the station, St Pancreas Hotel again- cool building.

Stockwood Discovery Centre : Old carriages....

Kings Cross again!

A big old steam roller....

Playing outside....

 In the Bee House.....

Watch out behind you!!!

Jamie being an archeologist and scraping away to find the fossils (this made SO much mess)

Amelia playing with porridge on the kitchin floor....

My new tablet is loved by all....

Jamie her own laptop......

KIDS at Aldernham......

Amelia playing with different nuts, with a very interested Kiba...

Jamie and her money she saved up for charity to help animals in need......

Learning about the world.......

and Amelia learning too....

Alex messing around with Google Earth....

 and Amelia too!

We're getting chickens soon, so we had a look at some.....

and some Rheas....

Sandy RSPB Nature Reserve, they have pylons there too ;p

The Newt Pond....

Counting rabbit holes....