OK, so I'm back-dating this because I'd started writing this blog on paper because my laptop was out of action for a bit, so I'm just getting up to date.
I've started this before Jamie has finished school because I thought it'd be interesting to keep a record of my childrens dynamics before and after homeschooling, to monitor how they get on together because it's a bit weird at the moment with Alex being at home and Jamie in school, there's quite a bit of resentment flying around, but I'd still say they were pretty much best friends.
June the 5th was day 8 of the half term holiday and also part of the Queens diamond Jubilee, it's been raining A LOT and the kids have been indoors most of the time.
One brilliant thing is that Jamie got a pack of cards with all the kings and queens of England and put them all into chronological order - she read the start and end dates of each monarchs rein and found out what order they went in , whilst we watched the Royal Floatillary (that seemed to go on and on and on) and then helped me write some important historical events that happened during each monarchs rein. I was expecting Jamie to get bored of it but she seemed very into it, and was intrigued with the antics of the kings back then. I think we both learnt a lot and its sparked a bit of an interests in history for both of us. (So that was a bit of maths, a lot of history and politics) Alex showed no interest whatsoever and just played with his toys.
The whole time up until this day, Alex has been Jamies shadow, doing EVERYTHING Jamie does, its like he's given up on his own free-will! but today, maybe because of the whole kings and queen thing, he's actually done his own thing for a bit :)
Theres been a lot of arguing and squabbling between them, Alex has been hyperactive and a nightmare at bedtime, but apart from that, they been pretty good, considering the rubbish weather!
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