Monday, 6 August 2012

Manic Monday

What a crazy day... for me anyway.
A man from the housing association, not a very friendly man, had made an appointment with me to inspect the house this afternoon at 1pm. After all the sorting and clearing yesterday I did (and pulling a muscle in my arm putting really heavy boxes into the loft), the house was a complete mess, so I had to get the whole lot done to a reasonable standard by 1pm........with three young children was quite a job. Also to makes things worse, guys were coming round in the morning to see if they can sort out the problems with my soak-away - it floods every time it rains, and Jamies friend was coming over in the afternoon. Luckily, all Jamie did ALL DAY was watch 'puppy in my pocket' on youtube!! she only stopped watching it when her friend turned up at 2.30pm! She still had her pajamas on!! But it meant that her and Alex were not fighting, so I wasn't too bothered, Alex played nicely on his own mostly, he did a cool painting, made a robot out of bits of cardboard, he made a party day for Amelia, he made a huge pass the parcel present! And he washed his windows!
Alex was going to make more of these
and make a collage
The robot :)

I just cleaned and tidied and put away, and you know what? the guy never turned up.................................

The guys came to look at the soak-away, they said they're going to have to come back and dig a big hole in my garden to find out whats wrong :( I hope it's nothing too major!

When Jamies friend was here, they all ended up in the paddling pool with their clothes on! And later on after dinner we watched a storm cloud go around our house, somebody got a downpour, it just missed us!

And that's about it for today, tomorrow though, is a whole different thing, we've got swimming first thing, Amelias first time, and THIS time, my mum is coming with me.

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