Wednesday, 12 September 2012

back into the swing of things

I've not had a gentle start to the new 'term', it's gone straight into being really busy!! caught me off guard a bit too, what with badminton and Beavers last night, was supposed to go swimming tonight but just really needed to not go out tonight - ended up having a bath with Amelia instead! She did a fantastic job of washing herself, not bad for a nearly 2 year old!

I handed in the de-registration letter for Jamies school today, finally we are officailly home educating! yay!

Yeah, Beavers last night....Alex was really willing to go, Jamie was all set to go too, then asked if she had to wear a uniform if she joined, when I said yes, she got in a weird mood, and refused to go.....I know she wants to do it, they said there's a space for her for the rest of this term if she changes her mind, so perhaps she will, she especially looked interested when I told her that in a couple of weeks they're going to to be doing a night-time treasure hunt through the woods! It was a bit of a nerve-racking session last night, introductions with all the new members, Alex wasn't going to talk, but then did in the end and he even had to tell the whole group that he was home schooled! I'm really glad he's more confident about saying it now, he was slightly worried, being the only one who's home schooled, but he did it, and it went down well....I think!
He still didn't want to join in any of the games, and at the end he started playing up a bit, got a bit stressed and walked away when he was being spoken to, then as soon as the doors were open, he was off like a bullet! I asked him if he enjoyed it and he said yes, and was full of beans afterwards again.

I know it's just something I need to get used to, but with being with Alex and not being at school, Alex can be himself and we all know him and everything seems pretty normal, but when it comes to him being around neuro-typical children, in a school-like environment, it really shows how he doesn't quite fit in, and it was a bit of a shock after having just spent the last 7 weeks without him being in that kind of environment. I know he was nervous as well because it's still very new, I'm hoping he'll start to relax, it doesn't matter if he doesn't join in everything, but he'd be happier once it didn't freak him out so much.

Jamie has been less like 'Kevin the teenager' and a lot more settled and relaxed. She's found a different programme to be obsessed about, it's still a bit inappropriate, but it's made a huge improvement on the way she talks to us, she's been watching The IT Crowd!! for those who know this show - I know! there are some swearing and rude bits, but she thinks its hilarious! It all started while we were away, I took our 'IT Crowd' boxset with us and we watched it most nights and the kids bedroom was right next to the livingroom, so we could hear masses of giggling going on behind our shoulders! But now, instead of sounding like some annoying cartoon character, she sounds like Jen from the show, which is a nice change.

We've done quite a bit of home ed socialising this week - yes, you heard me, I said SOCIALISING...hahaha
Yesterday we went to craft club and was pleased that Jamie joined in this time. It was pottery this time and they both made some very interesting sculptures that are to be fired. I was really pleased to see Alex having fun with a boy that he's been getting to know, my friends son, and her other sons too actually, he's actually making home ed friends which is so brilliant!
Today we met up with some home ed friends again and went for a lovely walk through the best woods I've been to! there are some fantastic trees and a rope swing, it is so cool, I even had a go on the rope swing! We all had a brilliant time.

So it' been a busy start for us this week, and even though I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed with it, it's been great. Ready to take it easy for the rest of the week though, although, Jamies friend is coming round tomorrow! and I'm pretty sure something else is happening too but I can't for the life of me remember!!

Pics aren't brilliant, but the other pics had everyone else in them too so can't use them!

I hope Hal the dog doesn't mind being in this one :p


Amelia collecting acorns :)

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