Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Another rush job :/

I'm going to attempt to write this blog even though Amelia is play wrestling with her dad on the floor and lots of other noise going on, because if I don't do to now, I may never do it, so excuse me if I make loads of mistakes or not make very much sense....

It's been quite a hectic last few days

Today, we finally had a visit from our EHE (Elective Home Education) officer. As she turned up, so did Jamies new mattress so for the first 15 minutes it was really noisy while Jamie, Alex and Amelia bounced around like mad on it, screaming and shouting! When it got quiet enough I had a really good chat with the lady about how children learn, she said that she doesn't need to see loads of paperwork and workbooks because she knows children do most of their learning while they live their lives, getting on with things and doing stuff. She also told me about how she quit her job as a school teacher, about how she could see how the schools timetables were not doing any good for the majority of the children. She says she's still trying to educate the LA about home education, and how children learn without school, I'm really glad I live in an area where she covers, some other places of the country aren't as fortunate which is really terrible, they should all be the same. I don't have to have her round, I can quite easily say I don't want her to visit, and that would be that, but I know she's trying to change the way LA's see home educators, so if my family can help out by example, then thats a good thing. I was I little worried because I haven't very many worksheets or anything like that to show her, but what I did have was LOTS of photos from doing my blog! So I stuck them all (over 200 of them) on a memory stick and had them as a slideshow on the TV, it looked really good! And the Lady was really impressed.

Yesterday we went to a funeral. It was the kids great great uncle who passed away at 82 years old. Although it was a time of sadness, it was nice to see that side of their family (their dads side), so a bit of family history was learnt. We went back for the wake for a bit afterwards and then to the local park.

On Monday I had Alex first play-date! I'd arranged for Alex to meet some children that had similar interests, namely Skylanders, because I thought that even though Alex wont talk to any children at all really in a social setting, he'll quite happily make friends with anyone if they liked playing Skylanders too, and it worked out perfectly, as soon as the skylanders were out of the box they were chatting away and went to play skylanders, then after a while, they went and played in Alex's room, and then they all went out on the trampoline. After everyone had gone home, I asked Alex if he enjoyed having friends round, he said he did, and wanted them to live with us! So we'll hopefully be meeting up again soon :)

In my last blog I completely forgot to write about the pantomime! We went to see Robin Hood at a local theater, I enjoyed it much more I thought I would, Jamie hated most of it and had to cover her ears during the singing - except a song from the film 'tangled'- her new favorite, I'll remember ear defenders next time. Alex was completely mesmerised by it all, took a bit of explaining why the lady was dressed as a boy and a man dressed as a lady, he loved the slapstick humour, got confused with the fake arrows being fired and bombs that weren't real bombs going off. After the show Alex, Jamie and Jamies friend got autographs from the guy that played Little John, then we dropped Jamies friend off and went for a meal at an Italian resturant, so it was a pretty good day.

I've not seen that much of Jamie lately, not since she got her new high rise bed, I see her when she comes running all excited downstairs saying "mummy I love my room!!"  then rushing off back upstairs, she's got a space where she can go and hide away all by herself, and she's been learning and practicing the songs from 'Tangled'.

Ok, I can't keep typing, I've got to go help Amelia put some jigsaws away, she's really getting into jigsaw puzzles and books at the moment, she can't get enough of them!

 Alex reading alongside Amelia

 Alex making some Moshi Monster masks

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