OK a massively quick one tonight, we've had a brilliant evening, pizza, apple pie and the most delicious custard I've ever tasted, Jamie has learnt a new song on her Ocarina, New World by Dvorak, she learnt it from the book that came with her Ocarina, but I played her the proper version so she could hear how it sounded, she heard it once and then played along with it beautifully. Then she got really excited about being home schooled, and proceeded to tell me everything she learnt today whilst reading the non-fiction books at school, she learnt about Cleopatra, hammerhead sharks and stingrays. She told me she loves learning, she loves science, literacy, maths and music. And then she read aloud to me, the first chapter of her favorite book 'The Witches' by Roald Dhal'. She said she wants to start learning tomorrow morning!
Alex did some more paintings. He decided that today was 'Mothers Day' but only for me, and picked loads of flowers for me on the way home and then wrapped them up and had a little party for me! That was really sweet :)
So that's it. No more school!!!!!
And that's all I'm going to type tonight because now I'm going to have a couple of glasses of red wine and relax, especially now we've had some good news about David job and his gardening business, I think things are going to be OK :)
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