Saturday, 7 July 2012

Water, Olympic Torches and Tom

I am SOOOO tired! I'll probably make loads of stupid mistakes in todays blog!
We got up at 5.15 this morning! left the house at 6am and got to Lee Valley White Water Centre by 7am.
It was a kind of rehearsal for the Olympic games events, we got free tickets to go because Davids mother works for the police force. There was loads of security going in, it was just like being at an airport with the metal detectors and xray scanners, Jamie got upset because her favourite toy had to go through the machine!

We saw the team for the British Olympic slalom race do some training and were interviewed afterwards. We saw some guys doing some freestyle tricks in their little canoes and we saw the Olympic torch arriving and doing a circuit of the rapids in a raft, actually they had to do it twice because they went so fast the first time round the water splashed the flame out!

This is the British Slalom team practicing -

This is the first time round with the Olympic torch when it went out, although you can't quite see the torch!

There were a couple of TV crews there, I've not seen it on the news but the event is on the Daily mail online!
(We're in the crowd somewhere in that picture) On the way out, Jamie and Alex saw BBC three counties radio interviewing some random people, asking them how they liked the show. Luckily it stayed dry while everything was going on, only raining when we got back to the car. It was a good day out, a real experience!

Also, later on, we braved the rain and went to Hitchin to see Tree Fu Tom for Amelia :)

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